CopyWRITING and consultancy

Female arm holding pen, writing on notebook. Cup on table beside notebook.


I produce engaging copy and content for websites, blogs, brochures, case studies, animation scripts, social media, advertising campaigns, apps, newsletters and more. With each project, I write to appeal to the client's target audience, conveying key messaging in a way that engages people and inspires action.

To support this, I have lots of experience in consultancy, content planning and strategy, tone of voice development, wireframe building/website architecture, editing, proof-reading and page design, which come in handy when people need me to look after a whole project or collaborate with other creatives.

Over the last decade, I’ve written copy and provided creative consultancy for all sorts of businesses, including: a yoga teacher, a coworking studio, a national taxi company, a housing association, a graphic designer, a care home group, an Etsy-based designer, a food packaging company, a family residential care centre, a bakery, a flooring company and a personal trainer. For me, I’m most interested in the story and passion behind a business; that’s what people like to read about, so I help get my clients’ stories out there.

Take a look

Natal Fit (website) - After developing the website layout, tone of voice and key messaging, I wrote the copy for this pre-pregnancy and post-pregnancy personal trainer.
Hafod - Brocastle Manor (brochure) - I wrote a series of friendly, informative brochures for potential residents of Hafod’s residential care homes.
IWN Water Meter (animation) - Working with animator Stephen Thomas, I created the storyboard and wrote the script for this animation about understanding your water meter.
Friend and Friends (website) - I helped Owen, the creative behind Friend and Friends, to develop the site's tone of voice, messaging and case studies to suit its new direction.